“Is It Worth Installing a Sprinkler System?”


Why You Need to Irrigate Your Lawn

Home Sprinkler

Is a Sprinkler System Installation Really worth it?

The question of “is a sprinkler system worth installing at my home?” is asked by millions of homeowners all over the country. The short answer: absolutely yes!

We’ll explain why below:

Sprinkler Systems Save you Time and Money on Your Water Bill 

Unfortunately, many property owners – regardless of whether they are commercial or residential – use an excess amount of water to keep their grass and other landscaping features from turning brown. This, in turn, costs them far more money than is necessary and drives up their water bills significantly.

The fact of the matter is: our sprinklers end up paying for themselves.

Without a sprinkler system, property owners sacrifice control over their total water usage. It might sound counterintuitive if you’re used to hand-watering your lawn, but leaving such duties to an automatic, timed sprinkler system is incredibly more efficient. Plus, with a home irrigation system, you are able to track exactly how much water is being used, program optimal runtimes, and avoid overwatering whenever it rains, all of which will help lower and stabilize your water bill.

Sprinkler Systems Keep Your Lawn Greener

Consistent Water Coverage Makes Lawns Green

Professionally zoned sprinklers results in greener lawns. We’ll help you grow it, so you only have to worry about mowing it.

This is the biggest benefit of all for many of our residential irrigation customers. When you install a home or commercial sprinkler with Commercial Lawn Irrigation, the final price includes a professional assessment that results in complete and consistent lawn watering coverage. Our install and maintenance crew continuously re-adjusts your system whenever it falls out of line, which is especially important during turn-on services in the spring because sprinkler heads often lose their proper alignment after enduring the frozen winter months.

In other words: Don’t underestimate the power of a properly zoned home sprinkler system!

With a properly zoned sprinkler system, your lawn will stay consistently green in all areas because it has been professionally zoned and assessed for complete coverage. That means no patches growing at a different rate or growing in with different shades of green.

What’s more—professional irrigation systems can be completely customized to the needs of your lawn. Take drip irrigation, for example, which is a specialized drip zone that serves a specified amount of water right to your plant roots.

When it comes to a nice, clean-looking lawn, there’s no beating a professional residential sprinkler system.

Our Sprinkler Systems Prevent Over and Under Watering 

Did you know you can water your lawn too much? 

Overwatering your home yard is one of the quickest ways to end up with a dead mess. Signs of overwatering your lawn include your grass blades appearing more fragile and limp. You may also notice an increase in lawn mowing frequency due to spotty, fast-growing patches. That spotty, uneven coverage also results in spots of your lawn that stay soggy and wet longer than others due to improper grass maintenance. 

Of course, you can also tip the scales too far in the other direction. By underwatering your lawn, you are essentially starving your grass of life. You’ll notice that your grass blades are a lot more crisp than usual, and will break instead of bend. Additionally, you’ll notice that the soil in your lawn is dried out instead of moist, and you may notice a slow in how fast your grass actually grows. 

When determining the optimal amount of water for your lawn, you also need to keep your soil type in mind! Some soil types require more watering, while others might necessitate shorter sprinkler run times. 

With each and every sprinkler system we install, our team assesses your entire property to ensure you’ll be receiving the exact right amount of water for your yard.

You Can Customize Sprinkler Systems to Whatever Your Lawn Requires

If you’re unsure about how much water to give your lawn, here are some quick tips to make sure you’re doing it just right: 

  • Sod 

If sod has just been planted in your yard, make sure you water at least two times a day. This twice-a-day method ensures that the roots are growing at an adequate rate and that your grass will spread evenly around your yard. If you live in an area that has extreme heat, you’ll sometimes want to add a third cycle of watering just to make sure the previous cycles did their job without evaporating too quickly. The best times of day to do these waterings would be in the early hours of the morning, such as 2 am-6 pm, and later hours in the evening, such as 6 pm – 10 pm. 

  • Established Lawns 

Once you hit the spring and fall seasons, it’s recommended that you only water your lawn every other day, as this provides an adequate amount of water when the temperatures are lower. Once you are in the summer months, you can water your lawn more frequently (always in the early morning hours). This is in order to minimize the effect of the summer heat and to let the water soak as deep into the soil as possible. 


So Why Should You Irrigate? 

Having a sprinkler system installed will help you save money, time, and water, all while making sure your lawn is healthy and green all year round!

Sound like something your property could use? 

Fill out our contact form to receive a FREE estimate. Even if you’re just a “maybe”, we’ll come out to your property and give a full assessment at no cost to you.