How Do Rain Sensors Work?
How A Residential Rain Sensor WorkS:
Irrigation installation services with Commercial Lawn Irrigation often include rain detectors/ rain sensors with your sprinkler system. In fact, we believe it’s a “secret weapon” when it comes to quality residential lawn care.
Oftentimes, customers ask us what’s the application of a rain sensor, why we include irrigation rain sensors with our installs, and how a rain sensor works. We’re here to provide a thorough guide so you can answer just those very questions!
Rain sensors involve a series of porous cork discs that, once they become wet from the rain, expand to the point where they stop the controller from watering the lawn. Once the discs dry out from lack of rain, they trigger the controller once again, which will resume its normal watering schedule. This allows homeowners more efficient water conservation when watering their lawn.
Each rain sensor will need to be tuned during installation, however, to ensure that the sensors are accurate in detecting water. Feel like that’s out of your element? Our install crew takes care of that for you!
Later down the line if you realize your sensor isn’t keeping the controller off for a long enough time, or if the water is turning back on too soon after it rains, our Commercial Lawn crewmembers will visit your property and adjust the sensor accordingly. Just give us a call or fill out our contact form.
In order to adjust your irrigation rain sensor, our maintenance crew tweaks the amount of air inside the sensor, which allows the discs to dry out faster or slower, depending on what you need. This lets us control how sensitive your controller/sensor is to rainfall, and will let you stay in control of how much water your lawn takes on at a given time.
Why Are Rain Sensors Important for My Lawn?
Without a rain sensor, you’re at risk of higher utility bills and overwatered sections of your yard.
Residential rain sensors offer multiple advantages when attaching them to your automatic sprinkler system.
Most importantly, the main benefit of rain sensors is that you will conserve water and save money on your water bill over time. By sensing the rain and cutting off your sprinkler, you aren’t using unnecessary amounts of water to keep your lawn healthy. This will help save you money every month and will help in the prevention of overwatering your lawn.
Simply put: rain sensors keep your lawn (and your wallet) green!
Did you know that millions of gallons of water are wasted each year from sprinkler systems that run when they don’t need to? If you install a rain sensor, you immediately have a positive impact on water usage, and will still reap the positive rewards of having an irrigation system.
Rain sensors also help your newly installed irrigation system achieve a longer life span. Irrigation systems require maintenance each year to ensure they last as long as possible. This means that rain sensors are a perfect way to keep them running only when they need to, rather than watering the lawn when it doesn’t need to be.
Will My Rain Sensor Be Programmable?
Yes! Once you hire us to install a rain sensor on your irrigation system, we make sure to study your lawn and set up to ensure each sensor that we place is programmed custom to your needs. Each sensor that we install will save water, time and money by perfecting the timing of when your irrigation system runs.
Fill out our contact form today to schedule your FREE estimate, and let us prove how we can keep your lawn as healthy as possible all year-round.